Replying to my own thread again here..  I've read a few times online that
people sometimes add antifreeze to a wet bilge during the winter.  Now I'm
wondering if there is some residual antifreeze left in the aft portion of
my bilge from the previous owner (I bought the boat in Oct), and it's being
mixed with some rainwater and ending up down there.

On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 12:46 PM, Ryan Doyle <> wrote:

> I forgot to give the details on my boat - She's a 1976 30 mki and she's
> winterized and up on stands.
> On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 12:40 PM, Ryan Doyle <> wrote:
>> Hey everyone,
>> Thank you for the responses last week about my tiller - which I went out
>> to observe/fix today and then got distracted by another issue - c'est la
>> vie.
>> Sometimes after heavy precipitation I find engine coolant in my bilge.
>> This ONLY happens after heavy precip - like last week here in NYC.
>> I inspected the cooling system plumbing connections and hoses on my A4
>> and I've looked over the engine itself, there are no leaks I can see.
>> Also, the level of coolant in the engine's reservoir has remained constant
>> for months.
>> If it was leaking from the motor, the level in the reservoir would be
>> going down, right?  That said, the engine is winterized, so the water pump
>> hasn't spun since October.
>> The fact that it only happens after it rains is really confounding me
>> too.  A constant leak from the engine would steadily fill my bilge no
>> matter what the weather was, right?  The water system on the boat is
>> winterized with pink antifreeze, so it's not that.
>> Any thoughts?  Thanks in advance.

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