The ON 32E 24426 would be the Provincial registration number . It's odd to see 
the 32E and the On together . The old Ontario registration numbers used to be 
per region . 32 E was Ottawa . All the new ones in Ontario are now with the ON 

Sent from Joe Bognar

> On Jan 27, 2016, at 11:22 AM, Jgnadeau via CnC-List <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi All
>> New to this forum and just bought Callisto, C&C 35 Mk II. 
>> Quick question: is there a way to determine the hull production sequence 
>> number from the serial number or official numbers? Callisto's are:
> HIN: 33Y3627CC474
> ON: 32E 24426
> My guess would be the 244 number of the ON and that the keel was laid in Apr 
> 74 (last 3 of the HIN)
>> There were 351 of these produced and I would like to know where she lies in 
>> the production line and any other information included in these numbers.
> Cheers, sailorjg
> Victoria, BC
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