Good day to all, 
I have been following this forum for a while, however, this is the first 
submission.  I am the proud owner of a C&C 38 landfall.  I have sailed C&C most 
of my life and this is our dream boat.  Last year I had the unfortunate 
opportunity of having to replace all for the side windows due to them splitting 
in half.  I figured that since the front hatch sealant was also leaking I would 
do it at the same time.  I should note here that the previous owner, who did a 
marvellous job of maintaining the boat due to lack of sailing, had replaced the 
original glass already.  The project was definitely a learning lesson but one 
that ended well, or so I thought.  I was able to seal up the leaks on the front 
hatch that were coming in around the edge, however, I have been unable to 
prevent the water from entering around the handles.  I have tried silicone, 
rubber gaskets, pressure rings that are countered into the glass and hold tight 
around the handle shaft, light grease around the shaft thinking it will rappel 
water and also tightening them down to the point of making it difficult to 
I am at the point now that I would just like to replace the entire mechanism 
with a new one so that I know it is made correctly right from the factory.  The 
problem I am encountering is the this front hatch seems to be an odd size by 
todays manufacturing standards.  the inside frame opening is 19 3/4 x 21 1/2 
(roughly).  I am really hoping to not change the opening.  Any advise or 
direction would be appreciated. 
Gimli, Mb, Canada   

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