I would not go as far as saying that this is the primary role. Additionally, if 
your GPS is not connected or if your radio does not have a built –in GPS, you 
are obligated to enter your position, if I remember correctly, on a hourly 
basis (possibly once every 4-hours?).

I see the primary role of the DSC being a substantially simplified procedure 
for calling anyone and reducing chatter on Ch 16 (no more the need for calling 
each other on Ch 16 and moving to the appropriate communications channel).

Having said that, DSC is part (the principal or fundamental part?) of the GMDSS 
(Global Maritime Distress Safety System), so I am not completely disagreeing 
with David.

C270 “Legato”

From: David Lenehan via CnC-List 
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 15:29
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
Cc: David Lenehan 
Subject: Re: Stus-List Testing DSC


As I understand it, the primary purpose of DSC is for rapid and accurate 
communication of your ship's/boat's identity (the MMSI number) in a distress, 
urgency or safety situation. The initial burst of info from a DSC enabled radio 
sends your MMSI number and, assuming you have the radio connected to GPS, your 
last known position and the last time your GPS logged it. One is simply 
required to then standby on channel 16 or 4125 (or whatever in HF) and wait for 
the responses to your "Mayday" or "Pan Pan" call or you broadcast your short 
Security announcement (or decalre a change to a working channel for a longer 

The authorities over here in Oz tell me that normal communication should be 
done through the VHF or HF radios in the normal way. Add, they advise that the 
procedures I've outlined in a nutshel are now consistent across the world - 
that would be a first!


On 16 January 2016 at 06:17, Joe Della Barba via CnC-List 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

  Test transmissions on VHF DSC calling channel 70 should be made to another 
VHF DSC radio by using a routine individual call to their Maritime Mobile 
Service Identity (MMSI).

  For VHF DSC radios equipped with the Test Call feature, test transmissions 
should be made to the US Coast Guard MMSI 003669999 to receive an automated VHF 
DSC test response. You must use the “Test Call” category of your radio because 
“Individual” category calls to this address will not receive an automated 
response. For older radios not having a test call capability, testing can only 
be performed by using a routine individual call to their Maritime Mobile 
Service Indentity (MMSI).

  You can test DSC with a buddy. Do *not* send ALL SHIPS. Someone did that 
around here and generated a ton of radio traffic trying to figure out WTF was 
going on.

  Joe Della Barba


  From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of bobmor99 . 
via CnC-List
  Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 1:17 PM
  To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
  Cc: bobmor99 . <bobmo...@gmail.com>
  Subject: Re: Stus-List Testing DSC

  Hello All,

  Thanks for the replies.

  I am aware of the need to get an MMSI number and will be starting that 
process shortly.

  I'm uncertain at this time whether to get the quick and free BoatUS MMSI 
number or to go the slow, federal, not-free route - which would mean the DSC 
stuff could be used in non-US waters. (That's just a choice for US boaters and 
I'll bring it (BoatUS vs. federal issued MMSI) up as a separate Stu's List 

  I was more interested in testing the built-in AIS and DSC functions of the 
radio. Supposedly, if an AIS target was displayed on the radio's small display, 
I could select it and start communicating with it digitally on channel 70 and 
audibly on channel 16(?).

  But I don't want to somehow accidentally give anyone the erroneous impression 
that I'm in distress.

  I'm also wondering if anyone has tested the "All Ships" DSC distress signal 
just to verify that it's working.

  --Bob M

  Ox 1976 33-1

  Jax, FL


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