I use a sanding block designed for touching up dry wall mud that attaches to a shop vac. It uses special sheets of what looks like window screen, but which is abrasive and is available in a few different grit sizes. That coupled with a fine dust bag in the shop vac, and I do my sanding indoors.
Steve Thomas Port Stanley, ON ----- Original Message ----- From: Ronald B. Frerker via CnC-List To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com Cc: Ronald B. Frerker Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2016 13:04 Subject: Re: Stus-List Bottom paint help needed Curtis, I wet sand with one of those abrasive sponges so that I smooth out the old paint and take off the surface crud. Keeps dust down and does a good cleaning job. You have to let it dry of course, but the next coat adheres well. Ron Wild Cheri C&C 30-1 STL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: Curtis via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> To: "cnc-list@cnc-list.com" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> Cc: Curtis <cpt.b...@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2016 11:17 AM Subject: Re: Stus-List Bottom paint help needed Thanksfor all the advise. I will purchase 2 gallons. Its what The yard put on last time and it did well. I will use Ultra again. The yard did it last time. I am going to save on the labor this time and DYI. Just not sure if a light sand will be suffice.I will heavy on the leading edges and the Fin Rudder. The rudder always seams to have a beard. Thanks John But I live in Beaufort South Carolina. Thanks again Guys. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______________________________________________ Email address: CnC-List@cnc-list.com To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the bottom of page at: http://cnc-list.com/mailman/listinfo/cnc-list_cnc-list.com
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