The only thing I would like to mention here is that many of these drugs have 
side effects and interactions with other drugs. 

I am not sure if it was this list or some other sailing forum, where I read a 
discussion on some ill effects of taking certain sea-sickness drugs without 
consulting with a doctor. Some of the reports were a bit scary. This is half 
bad if you get hit by some of the interactions, but you are just a crew; much 
worse if you are the skipper (or you are single handling).

I guess this is getting more important as many of us are getting “wiser” (read: 
older) and we start taking certain drugs on a regular basis (high pressure, 
cholesterol, etc.).

Just my $0.02

C270, Ottawa, ON

From: Bill Coleman via CnC-List 
Sent: Friday, January 8, 2016 10:30
Cc: Bill Coleman 
Subject: Re: Stus-List Source for Sturgeron?

Thanks for that link Rick, 

I didn’t realise you could game the system like that, the last time I tried 
that it didn’t work. Maybe it is because, as someone mentioned, that they 
actually source it out of UK. Interesting.


One other note, even tho I want the Sturgeron for variety, I regularly use 
Scopace, which is the pill form of Scopaline. It is good for around 8 hrs, 
instead of 3 days, and less side effects. I had my doc at the time write a 
scrip for a bunch of them, and I regularly give them to crew who I know or 
suspect may be at risk, and have never had an incident with the Scopace. It 
also gives you cotton mouth, but it diminishes after a couple hours. Besides, 
it makes me drink more water, which I need anyway.


Bill Coleman

C&C 39 


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