Right now the only "Strictly Sail" shows that are indeed "Strictly Sail" is the 
Annapolis show and the April Pacific Strictly Sail which happens to be moving 
this year to Richmond, CA.  All the other sail specific shows have been merged 
with powerboat, RV, Home Improvement, or other distractions.    As a child, my 
Dad would take us to the NY Boat Show when it was at the Coliseum at Columbus 
Circle and there would be everything from Sunfish, O'Day Day Sailors, and 
Pearson Vanguards to the latest Chris Craft, Glasstron, and Boston Whaler 
runabouts.  And it always seemed to be a pretty even mix of sail to power.
We've seen the death of the US boating industry at least 3 times since the 
1960's and it is little wonder why so few manufacturers bother to display at 
boat shows any more.  But ironically, it is those core brands that were at the 
shows in the 60's (well perhaps with the exception of Pearson) that are still 
alive today or like C&C, have sufficient value in the brand identity to connect 
to what's left of the boating and sailing public.  Today's sail boat "brands" 
aren't even boat builders any more.  They're a conglomerate of marketing, 
design, and sales people that subcontract the building process to various 
manufacturing facilities who build the boat to order under license and share 
the profits when sold.  A new C&C is a product of Waterline Systems, who also 
build Northrip Powerboats, Alerion Sailboats, and a variety of J-Boats.   A 
Hylas, Outbound, or Passport Yacht is a product of  yards in China with no 
brand identity whatsoever.  Traditional Watercraft is making Island Packets and 
Seaward sailboats.  Catalina, Hunter, and Beneteau, the big 3 in the US, are 
the only ones that are sufficiently autonomous to design, build, market, and 
sell their own boats.  But even then, none of those builders or their dealers 
seem to want to bring a sailboat to the NY City show.
And with US Sailboat builders dropping like flies, it is little wonder that 
boat shows have either shrunk or disappeared with regards to a sailing section. 
 It also means that the boat shows that do survive, won't be having displays of 
sailboat oriented electronics, foul weather sailing gear, or deck hardware.    
Rather dismal outlook for the future after so many years of good sailing 
specific shows like Chicago's Navy Pier and the old Atlantic City Sailboat Show.
I had not been to the New York Boat Show since the 1970's, thus my question to 
Edd if it was worth the trip to get a sailboat fix.  Or as suggested, to catch 
up with others on the list to see what each other is doing for winter projects. 
 I think I'll stay local and take my chances that the weather cooperates 
sufficiently for Laser Frostbiting on the 9th.
Happy New Year to all,
Chuck Gilchrest
Half Magic 
1975 25 Mk1
S/V Orion
1983 35 Landfall
Padanaram, MA

-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Frederick G 
Street via CnC-List
Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2015 2:48 PM
Cc: Frederick G Street <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List boat shows
Pete -- the new official name is the "Chicago Boat, RV and Strictly Sail Show." 
 That pretty much sums up the emphasis.

That used to be the only boat show in the Midwest that was suited to sailors.  
Progress, I guess...   :^(

Frederick G Street -- Minneapolis
S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- in the hard in Bayfield, WI   :^(

> On Dec 31, 2015, at 12:59 PM, Pete Shelquist via CnC-List 
> <> wrote:
> Disturbing trend in shows.  I looked at the vender list for the Chicago 
> strictly sail –now mostly RVs and powerboats. 


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