No experience with Mac Sails but in addition to the same weight make sure
the manufacturer of the sail cloth is the same.  Often times you can take
sail specs from one sail maker to another and have them explain the price
differences.  Bacon initially came in about $1500 less than Quantum.  When
I had them each build the other's sail they were within a couple hundred
dollars.  At that point it was a better value to have a local guy (Quantum)
do the measurements, service, install, and sail design.  Refinements were
much easier.

Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
1989 C&C 37+
Solomons, MD

On Thu, Dec 31, 2015, 3:30 PM Jon Tasker via CnC-List <>

> Has anyone any experience with Mack Sails. Their quote was $2700 versus
> North at $4800 and Ullman at $3400. Question is do their sails have
> sufficient shape for beer can racing or are they flatter cruising sails.
> All quotes are between 6.7 oz and 7.9 oz Dacron.
> Sent from my iPad
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