Tom, You touched on another thing I am having to figure out on the C&C 39.
I am planning on cruising as well. So she is going to be fairly loaded and the anchor/chain combo should balance the weight added to the rear of the boat due to the Davis and dingy. Above the Davis I plan on putting a rack for solar panels. But, the anchor. The boat has one, and currently it is under the forward v-birth. But that is no place for it to be ready and useable. The cleats and fairleads seem to be more for lines than chain. I'm thinking that a deck box may work at the bow to store the anchor chain, but replacing the double fairleads at the very tip of the bow with a roller concerns me a bit. I've also considered installing a hatch at the bow so the very front of the boat that is just inside storage can be utilized as a chain locker, but cutting that big a hole in the deck concerns me more than changing out the fairleads for a bow roller. James S/V Kristy C&C 39 _______________________________________________ Email address: To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the bottom of page at: