
My  mainsheet block is  attached to the mast collar.  I have a block lead like 
the one you mention, it is used for the rigid vang control, in my case a Selden 
Rodkicker 20.

I have a photo of the set up on the blog where I describe replacing the gas 
shock for the rodkicker.

Paul E.
1981 C&C 38 Landfall 
S/V Johanna Rose
Carrabelle, FL

> On Dec 21, 2015, at 11:07 AM, wrote:
> Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 20:50:43 -0800
> From: Patrick Davin < <>>
> To: " <>" 
> < <>>
> Subject: Stus-List How to attach a rigid boom vang on LF38
> Message-ID:
>       < 
> <>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> I'm thinking of getting a Garhauer rigid vang. Only problem - the dang
> mainsheet block lead is in the way. It's mounted on deck in the standard
> location a few inches behind the mast collar, then the main sheet runs
> vertically up to a boom block. If I mount the boom vang to port of the main
> sheet, it'll bind / rub on a starboard broad reach (I think). Or similarly
> for the other side.
> How have other LF38 owners attached a rigid vang? I'm sure there are more
> than just one who have made the upgrade.
> Wally has some good writeups on his running rigging and moving his main
> sheet padeye. But, it's not clear to me exactly how he ran the vang, and it
> seems like he was unhappy with how the main sheet padeye move worked out
> (it ended up being in the way). And I'm not sure if he ever installed the
> rigid vang he was thinking of upgrading to.
> <>
> <>
> I know from the archives that Nick of "Parbleu!" installed a Garhauer vang,
> but he didn't mention anything of changing the leads.
> <>
> Maybe it doesn't matter because although the mainsheet will get bent a bit
> by the vang, the smooth metal won't be enough to chafe it or make trimming
> difficult? Or does everyone move their main sheet padeye?
> Here's a pic of the current layout:
> <>
> Main sheet is the red one, and the turning block immediately to stbd of it
> (white line with blue/black tracers) is the current non-rigid vang attached
> to the mast collar. That one binds too, but it's not too bad because the
> block+shackle gets it out far enough that usually just the blocks are
> hitting.
> -Patrick
> 1984 C&C Landfall 38
> Seattle, WA


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