Not an expert but I would mix a thickened batch of epoxy loaded with cab-o-sil and chopped glass, trowel it in place then set a fitted waxed-paper wrapped piece of stiff, flat, plastic on top, bored for the bolt holes, fitted to bilge, and spin on the the keel bolt until you get some squeeze out. radius the edges of the squeeze out with a tongue depressor or similar. When the epoxy gels, then give it a wipe with an acetone dampened rag, this will smooth/fair it. After it kicks remove the plastic piece and give it a light sand, then a coat of unfilled epoxy and it will have a glossy, easy to clean surface. Make sure you protect the keel bolts by wrapping it with waxed paper (several wraps). Make sure you prep the surface first.
Dave Subject: Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Not not hijack this tread, I changed the subject. Since we seem to have epoxy experts here. I am trying to take out some slight unevenness from the bottom of my bilge so that my keel bolt washers have an even contact. Can I use some low viscosity epoxy, just pour it into the bilge, probably dam of the area around the keel bolt with some tape, and let gravity do the leveling. We are talking maybe 1/4 in thickness at the highest point.
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