I am new to this email forum thing and don't want to hijack the discussion, but 
could someone tell me how to start a new topic? 
Thank you

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> On Oct 30, 2015, at 1:00 PM, Danny Haughey via CnC-List 
> <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Here is a good one,
> So, the yard where my new to me boat was stored for it's entire life, did 
> all, or supervised all the work on this boat.  The PO was actually an owner 
> of the yard!  I had to listen to the yard manager/partner talk about how 
> great his reputation was and how good his work is and lecture me on my 
> electrical tester and even said that my electrical crimper (yes the one Wally 
> recommended) was not correct for the task.  Now as get further and further 
> into the boat, I'm finding wire connections with nothing but tape, some 
> residential barrel connectors with not even tape over them, taped joins in 
> the bilge, hoses disconnected and left plugged off laying in the bilge, wires 
> disconnected with just tape on the end...  and this is just the superficial 
> investigation...
> All the talk in the world won't make shoddy work better...  I really have a 
> hard time trusting anyone to work on my stuff either.
> On the other hand, when I was still out in the field doing plumbing, I always 
> found I'd rather pull things back just a bit further and do a better job than 
> to try and patch things up and get out of there.  I really haven't met too 
> many people with that attitude.  Of course I never owned the company, I was 
> always on the payroll and I just did my best to avoid a call back.  So, I 
> guess it really as much self preservation as doing right by a customer.  That 
> and knowing that doing it right is always less of an ass ache than trying to 
> hack it...  IMHO  ...I'd let me work on my house!!  LOL
> Danny
> ---------- Original Message ----------
> From: mike amirault via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
> To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
> Cc: mike amirault <amira...@eastlink.ca>
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Boom Furling complications - Yards
> Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2015 10:51:23 -0300
> I agree with you Mike. The previous owner of my C&C 33II (boat was named 
> Pelagic) had most of the work done by "professionals" at one of the large 
> marinas in Halifax. Some of the repairs I have uncovered make me shake my 
> head, shoddy to say the least. I do all my own work on the boat now and it's 
> done right.
> Mike Amirault
> C&C33 MKii Lovely Cruise
> St Margarets Bay
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