On the sungject of goosenecks, one of the tangs on my fitting on the mast broke
off from wear. I shipped broken piece to Guido at Garhauer and he made new
out of stainless to fit perfectly and used same hole pattern so no new holes to
tap. Can't remember cost, but I felt it was cheap at the time.
Bill Walker
CnC 36
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
On Thursday, October 22, 2015 Jim Watts via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Our gooseneck assembly was a little worn down where the boom fitting rode on
the mast base, I put 3 nylon washers in between the boom and the mast fittings
and that shut that noise down. I'm still tracking the squeak off the mainsheet
and the weird noise the topping lift makes. McLube helps everywhere.
Jim Watts
Paradigm Shift
C&C 35 Mk III
Victoria, BC
On 22 October 2015 at 18:26, Graham Collins via CnC-List
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
Hello Harald
Mine did that when we bought the boat, ours was noisy when the main was up
though. The issue we had was that the horizontal pin in the gooseneck had worn
the holes oblong, so they were not a nice fit on the pin any more. I bought a
couple of brass bushings, drilled out the hole oversized, and pressed them in
with a c-clamp. This has been quiet for a number of years now (I think 3,
maybe 4, not sure).
Graham Collins
Secret Plans
C&C 35-III #11
On 2015-10-22 12:24 PM, Harald Braun via CnC-List wrote:
Hi, I have a 1985 35 MK 3 C&C and my boom was making this awful squecking,
grinding noise, once the main was down. I lubed it and still no luck. Really
annoying in an anchorage. Anybody has any suggestions?
Kitchener, On
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