No.  It's me. I hired a voodoo priestess from the French Quarter in New Orleans 
to send you Cakun barnacles. They have a chip on their shoulders from having 
been kicked out of Acadiana years ago. 

Dennis C.
Touché 35-1 #83

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 22, 2015, at 2:53 PM, robert via CnC-List <> 
> wrote:
> Rick:
> I bought 3 gallons of Micron 66 4 years ago....should be the same 
> formula.....each Spring, I put a light coat of the 66 paint on the 
> bottom....the 3 gallons has now been consumed.  And there is Micron CSC under 
> the 66.   I saw a boat hauled yesterday with CSC paint that lies about 200 
> feet from my boat in the mooring field and not one barnacle that I could see 
> on the bottom......a few on prop and shaft but not many.
> Next Spring will see a 'fresh coat'......just not sure what paint it will be.
> I think Rich Knowles, out of Nanimo, B.C. , is still having 'prayer meetings' 
> directing the marine growth to my boat and not all the others.
> Rob Abbott
> C&C 32 - 84
> Halifax, N.S.
>> On 2015-10-22 4:40 PM, Rick Taillieu via CnC-List wrote:
>> Rob,
>> It isn't really clear, did you put a fresh coat on each spring or is this
>> four years use on the same application?
>> If it's the former, they may have changed the formula.  If it's the latter
>> you probably just used up all the copper in the paint and it's time for a
>> fresh coat.
>> Rick Taillieu
>> Nemesis
>> '75 C&C 25  #371
>> Shearwater Yacht Club
>> Halifax, NS.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of robert
>> via CnC-List
>> Sent: October-22-15 16:11
>> To:
>> Cc: robert
>> Subject: Stus-List Anti-fouling paint
>> For the past 4 sailing seasons, I have used Micron 66....the first 3
>> seasons/haulouts, the bottom was void of any marine growth, and no
>> slime.....didn't even need a pressure wash.
>> This haulout (season #4), the bottom was infested with barnacles....not a
>> few scattered around, a significant number all over....I wet sanded, which
>> removed the most of the little critters (and a lot of the 66) but there are
>> still traces of the 'little critters'.  Not sure if I will sand them out
>> completely or simply paint over them next Spring.
>> Anybody have this problem and how did you finally deal with it?
>> On a further antifouling paint story, years back in the Binnacle, a fellow
>> sailor/racer approached the shelves of antifouling paints....he stops and
>> pulls out a brass 'fishing scale'......I watch......he puts a gallon of a
>> brand on the scale, then another, and another, etc.  He
>> chooses a gallon.   Naturally, I had to go over and ask what he was
>> doing "weighing the amount of copper in each paint Bob.....this gallon
>> weighs the most and that's the one I am putting on 'Apocalypse', his 40 ft,
>> home made in his back yard, race machine.
>> Maybe that's how I will choose my next gallon of antifouling paint!
>> Rob Abbott
>> C&C 32 - 84
>> Halifax, N.S.
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