Bill — the older ST4000 wheelpilot does not use a rudder reference transducer; but the newer ST4000+ does. It should have shipped with one. They are available as a standalone part, for about $250 plus shipping. As I mentioned before, I have a spare here somewhere; if anyone is interested, the first $150 plus $15 to ship takes it. This is brand new in the box.
As far as installation goes, that’s definitely the hardest part. As each boat may be a bit different, and I’m not familiar with the 36’s steering system and accessibility, I can’t give you an exact idea. — Fred Fred Street -- Minneapolis S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- on the hard in Bayfield, WI :^( > On Oct 11, 2015, at 8:37 AM, William Walker via CnC-List > <> wrote: > > Fred, > I guess this goes for st4000 wheel pilots too? Are there any available for > these and how tough an install. > Bill Walker > CnC 36 > Pentwater, Mi
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