Ok, We've finally got some good weather for the delivery and it seems to 
coincide with a long weekend! The plan at the moment is that I'll rent a car 
and drive down on Saturday morning and provision and go over the boat again for 
familiarity. The delivery captain is coming out of Annapolis on Sunday morning 
and we'll head out Sunday afternoon for the overnight into home waters. If 
anyone is interested in crewing let me know and whatever your needs are. Of 
course I'll cover expenses and such and whatever you might like as 
compensation. Of course it would be easier if you were coming out of either my 
local area or Annapolis as we could share travel expenses with either myself or 
the the delivery captain. If not, wish us luck and I'll let you know how we 
made out when we get home! Danny1985 Tartan 40south coast, Massachusetts

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