The IPad needs to have cellular capability, which means it has an on board GPS. That does not mean that you need a cellular contract, nor that you need to even enable the cellular connection under the GENERAL section of the SETTINGS screen. Mine has always been turned off, yet the GPS works just fine.
Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Joel Aronson via CnC-List Sent: Friday, October 02, 2015 11:35 AM To: Cc: Joel Aronson <> Subject: Re: Stus-List IPad Question... Joe, That's right, but iPads need to be cellular enabled to get GPS info because they use the cellular antenna. WiFi only does not do the job. Joel On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 11:28 AM, Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List < <> > wrote: My iPhone does not need cell service for the GPS to work. Joe Coquina From: CnC-List [ <> ] On Behalf Of Jerome Tauber via CnC-List Sent: Friday, October 02, 2015 11:27 AM To: <> Cc: Jerome Tauber Subject: Re: Stus-List IPad Question... GPS built into phones and pads is limited and depends on cellular service being available. Moreover, reception below decks is poor to non-existent. Also, with wifi you can transmit AIS and any other NMEA info such as wind speed, depth, and even radar. It's a different ballgame entirely. You can even receive on multiple Pads and from anywhere on the boat. Your Ipad or Android becomes a complete navigation system using an app such as INavx and is available anywhere on the boat. Of course, you must have nmea sensors to plug into the wifi router. Jerry J&J -----Original Message----- From: Dennis C. via CnC-List < <> > To: CnClist < <> > Cc: Dennis C. < <> > Sent: Fri, Oct 2, 2015 11:17 am Subject: Re: Stus-List IPad Question... or you can buy a 10" Samsung Galaxy Tab with GPS for $250. Add Navionics for $10. Poof! Chartplotter. Dennis C. On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 10:08 AM, Jerome Tauber via CnC-List < <> > wrote: I have been looking into this and there is an excellent solution. You can plug your onboard GPS into a wifi transmitter and receive the signal anywhere on your boat on your Ipad. This is compatible with INavx and other software. You can also transmit AIS if you have an AIS receiver and receive it on the Ipad (or any Android device) through INavx or other software. This is the future of onboard navigation. Here are some transmitters though there are many others. Jerry - J&J <> <> Digital Yacht NavLink NMEA 200 Wireless Data Server by <> Digital Yacht List Price: $833.92 Price: $495.77 You Save: $338.15 (41%) Ships from and sold by <> OJ Commerce. <> <> <> <> Digital Yacht NMEA to Wireless Wi-Fi Adapter - 4800 Baud by <> Digital Yacht List Price: $458.92 Price: $280.37 You Save: $178.55 (39%) Ships from and sold by <> OJ Commerce. <> <> <> <> 1 - Digital Yacht iNAVConnect Wireless Wi-Fi Router by <> Digital Yacht Price: $232.67 Ships from and sold by <> TheFactoryDepot. -----Original Message----- From: David via CnC-List < <> > To: CNC CNC < <> > Cc: David < <> > Sent: Fri, Oct 2, 2015 10:37 am Subject: Stus-List IPad Question... I have this IPad I never use. I'm thinking good for chartplotting software for the 2X (maybe) a year that I need a chartplotter. Needs a GPS. I shop and see "Bad Elf"s" for $150+. Huh? I bought a GPS dongle for my laptop for $20. Is this more of Apples proprietary product BS? (sorry Apple users...I am not a big fan of Apple) Are there other solutions this non-tech, non-Apple guy could use? Thank in advance! David F. Risch 1981 40-2 (401) 419-4650 <tel:%28401%29%20419-4650> (cell) _______________________________________________ Email address: <> To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the bottom of page at: _______________________________________________ Email address: <> To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the bottom of page at: _______________________________________________ Email address: <> To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the bottom of page at: _______________________________________________ Email address: <> To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the bottom of page at: -- Joel 301 541 8551
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