HI Fred, I uploaded some photos, in no particular order, of the new boat if 
anyone would like a peak! One of the details I like, that the PO ordered from 
the factory, was that he did away with the teak toe rails for an aluminum angle 
toe rail.  minimal exterior teak to maitain! You can really see the need for a 
paint-job in some of the photos... http://1drv.ms/1MATBD3 Danny1985 Tartan 
40Still Vagabond

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Frederick G Street via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
To: "cnc-list@cnc-list.com" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Cc: Frederick G Street <f...@postaudio.net>
Subject: Re: Stus-List boat closing!
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2015 21:44:14 -0500

Danny -- congratulations!  You'll have to post some photos somewhere for us to 

If you have any questions about interfacing the new VHF, let me know.

Frederick G Street
S/V Oceanis -- Bayfield, WI

> On Sep 25, 2015, at 3:35 PM, Danny Haughey via CnC-List 
> <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Well, Finally closed on our new to us Tartan 40 today.  check is in the mail 
> and by this time tomorrow she will be all ours!
> The loan company got her documented for us and did the whole title search and 
> all that. (charged like $600!) 
> The weather is really nasty out there at the moment with big seas and north 
> winds so maybe by next weekend, things will settle down enough for an outside 
> delivery home.
> If not we can go inside, through the east river, up LIS and take the extra 
> day or two.
> Not completely sure of our landing point yet.  There is a guy with a mooring 
> near where we had the Newport Rendezvous I could get for "a deal" for a 
> couple of weeks or, maybe I'll just head back to Westport point.  From there 
> I'll have to decide where to winter her.  She needs some cosmetics I'd like 
> to have done and haven't quite decided where that'll happen yet.
> I've been talking with a delivery captain over the last few weeks as things 
> progressed and will be using him to help get the boat home with me and maybe 
> another hired hand.  Anyone feel like a Tom's river, NJ to somewhere around 
> the places mentioned delivery sometime soon?  
> Anyway, we're delighted about the new boat, we had all the survey items 
> addressed by the yard where she has been kept her whole life, which were 
> really quite few, and had the old diesel pumped out and 25 gallons of fresh 
> to replace it.  I think we're in good shape!
> Danny
> 1985 Tartan 40
> Vagabond at the moment (that would be a good boat name!! Vagabond)
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