Hi All, I'm new to the list, as my 37 is a new boat to me.  C&C's are not
too common out west here, this one was trucked from Maryland last summer.


Just splashed her after some 5 years on the hard, just about to try starting
the engine tomorrow, even though I'm sure the tank is full of algae.  The
racor was full of black jello, but the fuel coming in from the tank after
the clean-out looks pretty OK.  Probably as long as it doesn't slosh around.
I have installed a new filter element in the Racor, but it's a dinky little
2 micron and will undoubtedly clog quickly.  All I have to go is 10 miles
down a river to get to my marina from the yard, hopefully with two spare
filter elements we'll make it?  Then maybe I'll try to remove and clean out
the tank.  It sounds like that is the only recourse.


Anyway, the yard stepped the mast before I acquired the boat, and they put
it right in the center of the aluminum box full of 1/4" plastic shims that
were in there.  It looks like it's raked really far, the backstay is fully
adjusted, to the max, like no more room in the turnbuckle, and that doesn't
seem right either.  Don't know if there is any adjustment possible on the
headstay because the furler is over the turnbuckle, assuming there is one.
The mast-shaped cut-out in the forward end of the table is also several
inches from being snug around the mast, which also doesn't seem right.


Can anyone tell me what the proper rake should be, if the headstay is
adjustable, and, unless this is really the way it's supposed to be, suggest
how I can get the mast to scoot a few inches aft in that interesting box
system it has for a mast step?


Thanks in advance,


Mike Fulmor


Hull 147  "Mahalo"

541 547 3483 land

541 961 1292 cell



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