Count me in the camp of NO! The only thing that runs when I’m not on the boat 
is the bilge pump (very small pump at that). I go so far as disconnecting the 
shore power cord. My battery monitor has yet to record 1 amp of consumed power 
per month and that is with a stuffing box that was dripping constantly.
1976 C&C 38 mk 11
Oriental, NC

From: Frederick G Street via CnC-List 
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2015 2:14 PM
Cc: Frederick G Street 
Subject: Re: Stus-List Shore Power Question

Mike — IF your charger is set up completely correct as far as the charging 
regimen for the batteries you’ve got, and IF  your batteries are in good shape 
and have the proper level of electrolyte, then you could probably leave the 
charger on all the time.  It should go into “float” charging mode after the 
batteries are topped off.  If, however, there are any issues with any of the 
above, you might cook off your electrolyte and kill your batteries. 

If you’ve got DC refrigeration (you and I don’t…), that should pull enough 
current to keep the batteries from getting over-charged.

In my case, the only DC current draw my system has got when away from the boat 
comes from the bilge pump, and the “stay-alive” lead to the stereo; not enough 
to seriously deplete the batteries when I’m away.  So I leave the charger off 
for safety (although it IS set up properly for my batteries).

Fred Street -- Minneapolis
S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- Bayfield, WI

  On Sep 2, 2015, at 12:53 PM, Hoyt, Mike via CnC-List <> 


  Does it hurt to keep the battery charger on?  I also have the AC powered 
frost plate system for refrigeration.  Charger is Xantrex Truecharge 40+ 
multistage charger



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