Okay, but in the end who was correct? you the teen or Butch the waterlogged :)
Cheers, Russ
Sweet 35-1
At 07:32 AM 21/08/2015, you wrote:
Funny little story about Butch Ulmer...the "U" in "UK".
Many many moons ago, when I was 12, I stepped aboard a 1972 C & C 35
(the owner went on to buy a 38 on which I crewed and then a 40, by
which time I had moved on to girls, cars and beer) as a Foredeck Ape.
We had a full set of Ulmer Sails (the predecessor company to UK
Sails) so naturally Butch was aboard a number of times to look over the sails.
Well one day he was opining on such and such and, I, in my most
know-it-all-teenager-way said he was wrong. And I kept insisting on it.
Finally Butch looks at me and says "Boy, I have squeezed more
seawater outta my socks than you have been over..."
I shut up.
David F. Risch
(401) 419-4650 (cell)
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