Another POV,

I have heard a lot of discussion about this over the years, both ways,
(White vs. Colored)  but just a month ago I replaced several lites using

I talked to the fellow there about colors, and he told me using a white
light behind a colored lens only allowed around 30% of the light through,
and using, say red behind a red lens allowed 80% through. I decided to
follow his advice and going back and forth between white and red was a
dramatic difference, the red behind red became bright blood red.  Not sure I
got the Percentages right, but Now I believe this.


I agree with Dennis, nice company, good stuff.




Bill Coleman

C&C 39 Erie PA

From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Joe Della
Barba via CnC-List
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2015 9:15 AM
Cc: Joe Della Barba
Subject: Re: Stus-List Subject: Was Wire Gauge, now Where can I get LED?


Warm white LEDs do OK behind a colored lens, but the usual cold white
(5000-6000K) LEDs do NOT work for red or green running lights.

The noise issue is caused by the switch-mode driver for the LEDs that
produces a ton of RF. I have a bunch of FleaBay special LED light in my
cabin lights and most of them are quiet on RF and one or two make a mess out
of the SSB.

There is a lot online you can find about various LED tricolors being noisy
or not. For a replacement bulb, you might just have to go through a few and
test them before you go up the mast. I have been thinking about trying to
make LED red over greens, since they can used with the deck lights and the
tricolor cannot. Here on the Chesapeake running under just a tricolor is a
very good way to get run over by a powerboat.


Joe Della Barba


Coquina C&C 35 MK I

From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Dennis C.
via CnC-List
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 7:24 PM
To: CnClist <>
Cc: Dennis C. <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List Subject: Was Wire Gauge, now Where can I get LED?


I get my LED's from  My impression is they are superior to
Dr. LED.

Dennis C.

Touche' 35-1 #83

Mandeville, LA


On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 12:26 PM, Jonathan Boocock via CnC-List
<> wrote:

I installed LED's all around on my boat and had no issues with the running
lights or anchor light.

The 3 color tricolor from Dr. LED was another story. It produced noise on
the VHR radio (antenna is no more than 1 foot from the tricolor) making VHF
unusable with the tricolor on.. I tried a variety of RF chokes on it but it
did not improve so I went back to an incandescent bulb.

The issue was clearly with the 3 color LED bulb as we have no issue with the
LED white anchor bulb which is mounted in the same housing as the tri-color.



C&C 44

Mor' Childs Play



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