I went from a 30-1 with an A-4 to a 30-2 with a Yanmar 2gm20F.

My AF had no 90 elbow from the seacock.  No internal strainer, just the
little colander screwed to the outside of the hull.

My Yanmar has the 90 degree elbow, internal strainer, no pasta strainer on
the outside.

Well, last week I started motoring and the Temp alarm went off.  I shut it
down and checked the internal strainer and it was clean enough.  Started
the engine, no temp alarm but I could see straight away no water coming
through the exhaust.

Pulled off the hose and opened the seacock...barely a dribble.

Pulled off the elbow and I could see seaweed jammed up in there.  The top
of the 90 deg. elbow has a threaded plug so I removed that.  Still had a
job getting the jammed up weed out with needle nose and a screwdriver.

Thinking of putting an external strainer on the intake this winter....
Good idea or NOT so good?????

Noank, CT

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