Hi Dave, My 1990 34+ does have the + in the Hin number. It's imprinted on the Hull that way and it's in the boat's official USCG docs as well (Here: http://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/pls/webpls/cgv_pkg.vessel_id_list )
My Hin is ZCC34+34B090. It did create a little bit of a fuss with the insurance as the unorthodox HIN was coming-up as 'Invalid" with their computer interface. My agent got around that by insuring it on "agree value" and checking out a couple other comparable boats on Yachtworld. The broker also mentioned that the HIN was unconventional but that's just the way C&C did it on their 36 ft 34+ :-) Please feel free to ask more on questions on the list or PM me for more info on the boat, what to look for on a purchase, etc. Good luck with it. Regards, -Francois Rivard 1990 34+ "Take Five" Lake Lanier, GA Just had a survey done on a '90 34+ yesterday, looks good but one bit of weirdness: the HIN has a "+" symbol in it, which HIN decoders say is invalid. The HIN starts off "ZCC34+" Can anyone else with a 34+ verify that this is what their HIN looks like? Thanks! -Dave
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