many older c&c s built early 1970s especially custom builts  have aluminium
chain plates  ..the advise you have from yard is not to helpful....their
answer is to replace with stainless?  they are stainless steel workers?
most aluminum used in key areas is aircraft of original
founding companies   ..belleville marine and their associate companies were
aircraft parts mfg &used aircraft spec. aluminum for aircraft as well yacht
building....most of the smaller aircraft still operating just fine   ..this
spec ification of aluminum will show some white scale under certain
conditions but not generally any corrosion which is structurally you see any eaten away aluminium? the chainplate
moving or still strongly fixed?is the leak you had repaired still leak?
....probably the only real risk is water getting into wood backing plate or
fiberglass...this can be fixed very easily  even by a person with 75plus
year old hockey knees...i is quite possible little needs to be
done..i would be interested what year and model the yacht is & may be able
to check info in more detail....where is yacht located ?  DONT GIVE UP THE
SHIP    YET....for i understand bingo nights  bouchart gardens not very
good substitute...
redline 41  ,1968   south vancouver island.

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