I don't think it was ever valid. It was just ignored. Means the same thing as a smiley face. :-)

Bill Bina

On 5/28/2015 8:41 PM, John Pennie via CnC-List wrote:
We had a + on our 34+ hin. What is invalid today may have been fine in 1990.


Sent from my iPad

On May 28, 2015, at 8:21 AM, Ken Heaton via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com <mailto:cnc-list@cnc-list.com>> wrote:

A quick search of the United States Coast Guard's Port State Information eXchange (PSIX) system reveals several (actually 27) C&C 34+ with similar HIN (Hull Numbers).

You can search here: http://cgmix.uscg.mil/PSIX/PSIXSearch.aspx

The wild card symbol in a search on that site is the percent symbol "%"

So do a search for "ZCC34+%" to see the results.

Ken H.

On 28 May 2015 at 09:01, David Pulaski via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com <mailto:cnc-list@cnc-list.com>> wrote:

    Just had a survey done on a '90 34+ yesterday, looks good but one
    bit of weirdness: the HIN has a "+" symbol in it, which HIN
    decoders say is invalid.  The HIN starts off "ZCC34+"

    Can anyone else with a 34+ verify that this is what their HIN
    looks like?




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