Hi Joe, 

I just adjusted mine from about 13.5" to about 10.5 - 11" and it made a 
world of difference in 12 - 15 + Knots winds.  The helm was balanced in 
calm winds but I was getting more than my share of weather helm in the 
heavier stuff, sometimes that was forcing me to have a less aggressive 
traveler setup than I wanted.  (The adjustment range on my boat is about 9 
- 12") 

Here's the Tunining blurb from the CNCPhotoAlbum  (

"C&C yachts are designed to carry from 6" of rake on the 24 foot up to 
about 10" on the 38 foot. Some sailmakers prefer no rake at all; that is a 
perfectly plumb spar, but from an appearance point of view, as well as 
helm balance point of view, begin using the measurements mentioned above. 

I would say that 9-10" inches on your boat is a good place to start.  If 
you're out of turnbuckle adjustment and sitting at 15 inches I'd say 
consider having your rigger rectify the situation. 

I light winds it will show much in anything 15-18 knots and above winds 
the helm will most likely get tiresome, especially if it's gusty.

Good Luck, 

Francois Rivard
1990 34+ "Take Five"
Lake Lanier, GA 

Howdy listers,
> Last year I had my forestay replaced (for a new roller furler) and it
> ended up being longer than the original by maybe about 4 or 5 inches . I
> have adjusted the forestay all the way down but I still need plenty of
> backstay to keep it all tight.  So now my mast rake is about 15 inches 
> the boom.  I don?t have a ton of weather helm but it?s hard to be sure
> because I replaced the old main at the same time that I redid the 
> and the new sail is much more efficient.  The extra rake also lowers the
> boom so I need to use topping lift to keep it off the dodger.
> So?..how many inches of rake do you have?  And what would you consider
> optimal?  I will have to redo the forestay to fix this but it may be 
> it.
> As always, I appreciate all the opinions and advice!
> Cheers,
> Joe Boyle


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