Hi Harry, That's correct I don't know which model you have, in any case it's really pretty and I loved your Newport VOR videos.
Here's the Mirage I looked at on Yachtworld: http://www.yachtworld.com/boats/1989/Mirage-Yachts-39-Sloop-2431533/Kingston/Canada#.VVzdEE1FAkI Here's a 34 plus like mine: http://www.yachtworld.com/boats/1990/C%26C-34-Plus-2698751/Buffalo/NY/United-States#.VVzdXU1FAkI Many similarities in the design. Both look great (I'm biased) Have a great day. -Francois Rivard 1990 34+ "Take Five" Lake Lanier, Georgia Message: 3 Date: Wed, 20 May 2015 13:14:03 -0400 From: Harry Hallgring <hhallgr...@icloud.com> To: "cnc-list@cnc-list.com" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> Subject: Re: Stus-List Mirage in Newport Message-ID: <baf3752f-6d4a-47eb-bbc9-335493001...@icloud.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Francois, Maybe a different model you are seeing. Mine doesn't have a wing or scoop?? Harry Sent from my iPhone > On May 20, 2015, at 10:55, Jean-Francois J Rivard via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote: > > Francois
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