Actually, scratch that, Jake provided me with exactly what I asked for in
the past. Apologies for a senior moment...  At least people can see that
this might be a trend 31 years into the 35-3's life.


On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 3:28 PM, Tim Goodyear <> wrote:

> I have a mast step reinforcement / rebuild project ahead of me (ahead of
> the yard anyway) this spring.  Looking closely, the fiberglass that the
> aluminium step plate sits on has sunk compared to the area around it and
> probably flexes more when the mast is stepped and there is pressure on the
> rigging.  I know others have done this before - does anyone have photos  /
> advice they can share so I can plan this out with the yard?   I have
> pictures from Jake's R&R job, but only one showing the step in that set.
> Thanks!
> Tim
> Mojito
> C&C 35-3
> Branford, CT

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