When I first purchased my 38 I considered doing this. After looking at the work 
involved in reinforcing the cabin top and dealing with the balsa core in the 
area you would want to mount the traveler, I decided that it was easier to to 
deal with the traveler as is. The current location is actually easier to use 
when short-handed and it is only in my way when sailing closehauled, otherwise 
I keep the traveler eased down to leeward enough that it doesn’t block access 
to the companionway. After 3 years of living with it, I have decided that I 
prefer the current arrangement.
1976 C&C 38
Oriental, NC

From: Petar Horvatic via CnC-List 
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 10:41 AM
Subject: Stus-List Cabin Top traveller on 38Mk II

Hi everyone,

Has anyone (DIY) installed a second mainsheet traveler on cabin top, or moved 
the traveler to cabin top?  I know that few listers have both cockpit and cabin 
top travelers, was that factory installed?  For cruising and living aboard C&C 
38, I find cockpit traveler to be very annoying and always in a way,  however 
the backing is very solid.  Cabin top on the other hand does not look very 
sturdy as a way to provide mainsheet traveler attachment.  


Petar Horvatic


76 C&C 38MkII

Newport, RI





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