I installed a Garhauer traveler a number of years ago to replace an existing
cabintop unit on my last boat, which was a Catalina. I bought the pivoting
bases that Dennis references below. Part of the kit included a full size
stainless backer plate for the underside of the cabintop. I never had any
issues with that unit or the mounting. It was one of the best upgrades I ever
did on that boat, though that was partially because the stock curved rail
traveler was so awful!
Jim Reinardy
C&C 30-2 “Firewater”
Milwaukee, WI
Sent from Windows Mail
From: Joseph Bognar via CnC-List
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 10:23 AM
To: Petar Horvatic, Joseph Bognar via CnC-List
I've seen boats with the conversion. A pier neighbor years ago did it on a
Cape Dory. He had Garhauer build it for him.
Garhauer makes the complete traveler system or just the mounting brackets (UR-1
or UR-2) with pivoting bases to match the crown of the cabintop.
More importantly, my buddy up the bayou has a 35-1 with a cabintop traveler so
I know it can be done.
I had to strengthen the cabintop on my 35-1 when I upgraded the halyard
winches. There wasn't much beef there.
The issue may be any gap between the headliner and the underside of the
cabintop. You can easily put backing plates behind the brackets under the
headliner but there might be a bit of "crush" around the plates. I put some
aluminum backing plate under a couple of cabintop winches on a Catalina last
year. They came out looking nice.
If you need aluminum plate, there are a couple vendors on eBay that are
reasonable and fast.
Dennis C.
Touche' 35-1 #83
Mandeville, LA
On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 9:41 AM, Petar Horvatic via CnC-List
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,
Has anyone (DIY) installed a second mainsheet traveler on cabin top, or moved
the traveler to cabin top? I know that few listers have both cockpit and cabin
top travelers, was that factory installed? For cruising and living aboard C&C
38, I find cockpit traveler to be very annoying and always in a way, however
the backing is very solid. Cabin top on the other hand does not look very
sturdy as a way to provide mainsheet traveler attachment.
Petar Horvatic
76 C&C 38MkII
Newport, RI
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