...and the gen 1 C&C 25 Redline which was a keel centerboard. http://www.cncphotoalbum.com/brochures/25redline/25redb1pg02.htm
From: Ken Heaton via CnC-List Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 2:31 PM To: Jim Watts ; cnc-list Subject: Re: Stus-List C&C 24SK There was a C&C SR 25 with a lifting keel. http://www.cncphotoalbum.com/reviews/revsr25.htm http://www.cncphotoalbum.com/brochures/25sr/25srb1p03.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_H2jDPy2O55I/TR9fytMVmqI/AAAAAAAAAWc/HGTw2j4xXW8/s1600/Ruckus%2Bunder%2Bspin%2Boff%2Bwave.jpg Perhaps they are referring to that? Ken H. On 25 March 2015 at 11:37, Jim Watts via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote: There is a question on Sailing Anarchy about a shoal-draft C&C 24. I have never seen mention of one, there is no reference in the tech. information or in the C&C brochures. Anyone? Bueller? http://forums.sailinganarchy.com/index.php?showtopic=164629 Jim Watts Paradigm Shift C&C 35 Mk III Victoria, BC _______________________________________________ Email address: CnC-List@cnc-list.com To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the bottom of page at: http://cnc-list.com/mailman/listinfo/cnc-list_cnc-list.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________ Email address: CnC-List@cnc-list.com To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the bottom of page at: http://cnc-list.com/mailman/listinfo/cnc-list_cnc-list.com
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