I've been there a few times. Great store. Great people and great deals. The 
sale is a great way to see everything and touch it and try it on. They usually 
have bins of clearance stuff and sale items not listed online. Just remember if 
you order online you save paying the tax which is usually five times the 
shipping cost. You can always look at everything at the store and unless you're 
buying a boat, a trailer, or an outboard, wait till you get home to place your 

1990 C&C 34R 
Broad Creek, Magothy River, Md 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Aaron Rouhi via CnC-List" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 
To: "Nauset Beach" <nausetbe...@optonline.net>, cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 2:45:58 PM 
Subject: Re: Stus-List Defender's Warehouse Sale 

Seems like a must! I'll definitely drop by. Thanks as always! 

Aaron R. 
Admiral Maggie, 
19 79 C&C 30 MK1 #540 
Annapolis, MD 

Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2015 12:12:05 -0400 
From: nausetbe...@optonline.net 
Subject: RE: Stus-List Defender's Warehouse Sale 
To: admiralmag...@outlook.com; cnc-list@cnc-list.com 


The sale is 10% off everything in the Defender catalogue and that is the same 
whether you order online or buy at the warehouse and take it with you. The 
warehouse is less than 60 minutes from New Haven and IMO it is worth making the 
trip if you can. Eliminating the $ for shipping, especially important for 
heavier or bulky items, can make it worthwhile though you will pay CT sales tax 
of 6.35%. Just the savings on bottom paint can make the drive worthwhile. Any / 
everything else is then gravy. 

The warehouse is a zoo especially on Thursday and Saturday mornings of the 
sale. Anything not in stock has to be shipped, though they usually have most 
things. One year I placed an order for a halyard with the rigging shop when I 
arrived and it was ready by the time I was ready to check out. 

The “flea sale / seconds / clearance” section and the manufacturers’ reps 
section can also yield great finds / information. 


From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of Aaron Rouhi 
via CnC-List 
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 10:23 AM 
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
Subject: Stus-List Defender's Warehouse Sale 

Are any listers planning to go to Defender's warehouse sale this weekend? Is it 
worth going? I'll be in New Haven's area this weekend and trying to decide if I 
should drop by... 


Aaron R. 

Admiral Maggie, 

1979 C&C 30 MK1 #540 

Annapolis, MD 


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