My suggestion to use was just an example. It doesn't have
to be done through them, if Stu objects. My suggestion was based on the
idea that Stu should NEVER have to spend a dime out of pocket for the
list or the website. His contribution, which will never come close to
being matched, is his long and tireless effort to create and keep this
thing going.
I just felt that it might help if we knew what the goal was, and could
track how far we were from reaching it. I think the notion that folks
should just send Stu a few bucks when they think of it is a little too
casual. Why can't we make it part of our spring commissioning lists and
set a month for reaching that goal every year? I think I remember that
there are about 300 people subscribed to this list. What percentage send
anything at all, and how often? I know I have donated periodically, but
I'm absolutely sure it was not every year.
For now, with no other organized plan in place, I think I'm going to tie
my donations to my subscription to Sail Magazine. Whenever I renew that
subscription, I will contribute the same amount to Stu at the same time.
Bill Bina
Email address:
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