The Winchard LYF'SAFE JACKLINE kits are nice, if a bit pricey. The flat
grey webbing has a reflective strip woven in and the kit comes with a pair
of bulky S/S "buckle" of sorts with a glow in the dark cover that can be
positioned as a stopper to keep a crew member from getting too far aft.

Ken H.

On Thursday, 12 March 2015, Kevin Driscoll via CnC-List <> wrote:
> I am sure others will way in, but nylon webbing 6000# breaking strength
is recommended by most racing bodies. Also, the strength will diminish in
proportion to uv exposure, so we stow them when not on the boat. I run them
to bow and stern cleats as others have mentioned since lack of backed pad
eyes capable of resisting a worst case scenario.
> We use these 2x retractable tethers which are current with latest safety
best practices:
> KD
> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 1:47 PM Daniel Sheer via CnC-List <> wrote:
>> Many thanks to all. Do you guys run line or strap, and what size?
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