Like Jake said, I'd disconnect the cable to see if the problem is in the 
Steering pedestal. 
If it's not, drop the rudder. Once you have the rudder out, you can drill out 
the fiberglass post and add zerk fittings for grease. I use a waterproof clear 
synthetic grease. 

1990 C&C 34R 
Broad Creek, Magothy River, Md 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Jake Brodersen via CnC-List" <> 
To: "Martin & Linda Hodgkinson" <>, 
Sent: Monday, March 9, 2015 8:57:53 PM 
Subject: Re: Stus-List Lubricant for stiff rudder C&C32 


If after disconnecting your quadrant and cables, it is still stiff, drop the 
rudder and clean both the rudder post and the interior of the rudder tube. I 
use a good waterproof grease meant for trailer bearings. My rudder is as smooth 
as silk. It makes all the difference, especially in light air. 


Jake Brodersen 

“Midnight Mistress” 

C&C 35 Mk-III 

Hampton VA 

From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Martin & 
Linda Hodgkinson via CnC-List 
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 7:40 PM 
Subject: Stus-List Lubricant for stiff rudder C&C32 

All the answers about freeing stuck bolts got me thinking about a problem I am 
having with my 1983 C&C 32. I have wheel steering and the rudder is very tough 
to turn. Boat has not been in an accident so post is not bent. I tried 
slackening off the cables – no result; tried adding a grease fitting to the 
rudder post cover and pumping it full of grease – just made a mess and no 
change. I suspect that someone has used the wrong sort of grease and it just 
needs degreasing. Rather than dropping the rudder, any thoughts about a 
lubricant that might help. 

Martin Hodgkinson C&C 32 “Latis” 


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