I was at the boat yesterday and tried to take the heat exchanger off the engine 
(Universal M4-30) so I could refurbish the seals and make sure it is clean 
(http://www.pbase.com/mainecruising/heat_exchanger).  One bolt came off easily 
but the one on the starboard side is a challenge.  I cannot get a socket on it 
because something from the engine or transmission is partially blocking frontal 
access.  I found my wrench selection on board is less than adequate and I need 
to upgrade.   I tried with a short 1/2" open end wrench and was able to get it 
on, but could not budge the bolt.  I left it sprayed with penetrant hoping that 
will loosen it. 

 I looked at other wrench types to see what would be useful in this situation 
and came upon this ratcheting wrench I had not seen before: 

It looks like something useful to have on the boat as the clamping action 
should work on both metric and SAE, it is stainless and it ratchets.  Has 
anyone tried something like this?  

The other type I am considering is the flex head ratcheting  wrenches:


1990 C&C 34+
New London, CT


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