I just got a new cruising permit a few weeks ago in Key West when we came
in from Mexico.

Somewhat surprisingly,  it was no trouble whatsoever.   Although my boat is
registered and I've had US cruising permits in the past so all my info was
already in their system.

We can bitch about it for a while more,  but really it might just make
sense to go and register your boat.  If you are going to travel
internationally,  it probably makes life easier in the long run.

I've cleared Bojangles in and out of about 20 countries /Territories and
have yet to have problems anywhere other than the south side of Lake

Bojangles IV
On Mar 3, 2015 2:38 PM, "Don Newman via CnC-List" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>

> From one of our club members:
> FYI, I crossed over from Bimini to Port Everglades yesterday. I went in to
> USCBP to get my Cruising Permit for the year, and they Denied it! If your
> boat is not Registered they will not issue a Cruising Permit. So, if you
> haul out or leave your boat any length of time it puts you in a position
> where you will have to import the boat (a % of it's value) and pay State
> taxes as long as you are in US waters. They have done this to everyone I
> know from Canada that has returned prior to me.
> --
> Don Newman
> C&C 44
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