
Quite honestly, I have never seen a mast bonded to the mast step, whether 'keel stepped' or 'deck stepped'. If the mast bottom is 'bonded', what happens to the water that undoubtedly makes its way down the inside of the mast?

I'm with Ed on this one.....why would you even consider applying an 'adhesive' to the bottom of the mast? I have stepped masts, my own and others, and have never seen the need to bond the bottom of the mast.

Rob Abbott
C&C 32 - 1984
Halifax, N.S.

On 2015-03-02 1:21 PM, ed vanderkruk via CnC-List wrote:

I don't see why you would want to bed the base of the mast. I think letting any water which gets inside the mast into the bilge is best. Maybe to reduce corrosion ...


Prime Interest
1982 Landfall 38

On Mar 2, 2015 11:55 AM, "PME via CnC-List" < <>> wrote:


    I will be stepping my mast within the next week or two.  One of
    the folks at my marina asked if I was going to slather the bottom
    of the mast with Dolfinite.  I have never heard of this stuff
    before.   I looked into it and it looks reasonable.  What do other
    apply or use when stepping their mast?   I already have the silver
    dollar I found under the mast back in place....

    Thanks for any insight.

    Paul Eugenio
    1981 C&C 38 Landfall
    S/V Johanna Rose
    Carrabelle, FL


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