You said it " So.. the crew did a lousy job with the shrinkwrap".
Get an experienced/qualified tradesman.
Rob Abbott
C&C 32 - 84
Halifax, N.S.
On 2015-02-26 9:24 PM, Tom Lochhaas via CnC-List wrote:
Here's my sad story of a cockpit drain hose freezing 11 years ago, the
first winter in New England after I bought my Landfall 38. I had it
"professionally" shrinkwrapped and asked the wrappers not to go too
before below the toe rail because I'd heard the film could stick to
the Awlgrip hull paint. The day before they wrapped, I ran antifreeze
through all drains in case there were low spots. So.. the crew did a
lousy job with the shrinkwrap, the "hem" of which was too loose and
high and let snow and freezing rain blow into the cockpit all winter.
New to the boat, I didn't worry come spring, but after launching found
my bilge filling and the pump running. The water the shrinkwrappers
had let into the cockpit displaced my antifreeze in a low spot in the
hose, which froze and burst the hose (below the waterline) - I'm just
glad I discovered it on my mooring after launching and had a
functioning seacock, or I'd have wondered where the boat was when I
next time dinghied out to the mooring. (Worst part was it was really
hard to run that thick, inflexible replacement hose down beside the
engine.) The next year, I got together with some other guys, bought a
heat gun, and we've shrinkwrapped our own boats every year since at a
small fraction of the cost - and I've never had water ingress again.
Lesson learned.
Tom Lochhaas
C&C Landfall 38
Newburyport, MA 01950
*From:*CnC-List [] *On
Behalf Of *mike amirault via CnC-List
*Sent:* Monday, February 23, 2015 7:09 PM
*To:* <>
*Subject:* Stus-List cockpit drains freezing
NS has seen many freeze thaw cycles this winter. After a
fairly substantial rainfall this weekend, I found the bilge
on my C&C 33mkii was full to the top. This seemed like too
much water to have run down the mast so I investigated and
found that one of the hoses on my cockpit drains was frozen
solid and popped the hose off the barbs of the drain. My boat
is not covered at this time(tarp was sagging too much) so
there is a lot of water in the cockpit. I'm thinking there
may be a low spot in the hose causing water to freeze there
rather than draining. The drains on my C&C are criss-crossed,
i.e., port drainst to stbd, &stbd to port. Just wondering how
other owners in a freezing climate deal with this issue?
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