Where is home? There are probably a few volunteers to help deliver. I replaced my wire with 3/8th Yale Crystalline. I had to fiddle with the winch to get it to self tail properly. The clutches worked fine. If you needed to you could put a second jacket on the lower portion to provide better hand and fit the winches and clutches. I would try it first and add the jacket later if needed. I like being able to freshen up the head end easily. I also like not having to worry about "fish hooks" AND if the halyard needs cut I won't need special cutters, just a knife.
The groved sheeves will "box" the line. Not really a problem. Might reduce overall life. I have repulled new wind instruments using the old wire. Josh Muckley S/V Sea Hawk 1989 C&C 37+ Solomons, MD On Feb 19, 2015 7:43 PM, "Bradley Lumgair via CnC-List" < cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote: > Purchased a 1985 C&C 33 MKII this winter, doing some research on updating > and refreshing stuff. So I have a few questions, if you'll bear with me. > Mast is up and theres several feet of snow in the boatyard, 200 miles from > here. Also boat needs to come home around May long weekend, likely a 450 > mile sail. > 1)Halyards are rope/cable, and badly worn/weathered, I've read that the > new synthetics are much stronger and we can actually downsize to 3/8 and > skip the wire cable? > 2)Are the sheaves grooved to fit the cable? Should they be changed out? > What size might they be? > It looks to me like the rope clutches may accommodate the smaller lines > (spec says originals are 7/16) > 3)Instruments are pretty much done, I think they're original signet, wind > unit is off mast, is there the possibility that I could pull new wires in > while pulling the old wires out and install new wind unit without taking > the mast down? (no, heights don't bother me) > I have a gently used Loran unit if anyone is interested...............;)) > Thats enough questions for one night > Thanks > Brad > > Sent, miraculously through cyberspace, > from my iPad! > _______________________________________________ > > Email address: > CnC-List@cnc-list.com > To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the > bottom of page at: > http://cnc-list.com/mailman/listinfo/cnc-list_cnc-list.com > >
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