Holland Marine I know, they're local. The other two I don't, so thanks!
Good idea about the West Marine closure.

Suhana, C&C 32

On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 3:33 PM, prf680 via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>

> The B&G Wind / Depth / Speed has a $150 (US, so the form says) rebate
> until end of March. The package is $1600 (CAN) at Westmarine. I've seen it
> at US online retailers for as low as $1230 (US) ... but then you've got
> shipping and probably duty to contend with.
> Marineoutfitters has the Plastimo advansea - wind is $660 and combi
> depth/speed $550. I think HMP carries them too. Dont know about
> reliability. Marineoutfitters also has the older ST60+ value pack for $1570
> and the new i60 value pack for $1700.
> VMG has the NASA Clipper wind for $460 and the combo depth/speed for $400
> ... but lots of mixed reviews and limited connectivity.
> When is your local Westmarine closing? There might be some deals coming up
> then?
> -------- Original message --------
> From: John Bousfield via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
> Date: 02-18-2015 8:05 AM (GMT-08:00)
> To: Stevan Plavsa <stevanpla...@gmail.com>,cnc-list@cnc-list.com
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Electronics deals?
> Check into Raymarine they have a rebate program right now. I was going
> with Garmin, but now think I will go with Raymarine
> On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 9:42 AM, Stevan Plavsa via CnC-List <
> cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Last year B&G had a promo/rebate on their wind/speed/depth package where
>> they offered a free display with the purchase of the kit. That was a good
>> deal and I would have taken advantage of it then but other priorities won
>> out.
>> Right now, it looks like B&G is only offering a $100 rebate on the kit,
>> far less appealing than the promo last year. I know at least one of you
>> guys is involved in the marine electronics business and maybe you know of
>> other deals or promos that are available or that might be on their way for
>> spring? What I'm after is a wind instrument first and foremost, I have
>> speed and depth but I'll do the whole shebang if it's a good deal. The
>> Garmin GWS 10 wind sensor/display bundle is priced very competively but
>> I've never liked Garmin. I believe it is nmea 2k though so it should work
>> with say, a B&G Zeus 8 or something, right?
>> Cheers,
>> Steve
>> Suhana, C&C 32
>> Toronto
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