You got it. Name of book was Muskrat. Author, if I remember correctly was Doug 

Good luck, great book, quite funny if you are at all familiar with Oxford, St. 
Michaels and this area - skipjacks, log canoes, etc.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Rick Brass via CnC-List 
  Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2015 9:11 PM
  Subject: Stus-List Need help identifying a book

  When I lost the hard drive on my laptop, I lost a lot of files - including a 
wish list for books. I'm trying to recreate a portion of the list before the 
local libraries have their annual sales of donated books.


  One of the books on my list was an old fiction about an Americas Cup 
challenge organized in Chesapeake Bay. (See, this is at least tangentially 
sailing related) I vaguely recall that the name of the boat was "Muskrat". or 
that "Muskrat" figured into the title of the book. 


  Can anyone help me with the name of the book and the author?




  Rick Brass

  Imzadi  C&C 38 mk 2

  la Belle Aurore C&C 25 mk1

  Washington, NC




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