Powerwinch is not a brand I would have on my boat, when I sold them at WM
we got at least half returned because they didn't run, right out of the
box. I wouldn't waste my time with it. Put in a good windlass and be done
with it.

Jim Watts
Paradigm Shift
C&C 35 Mk III
Victoria, BC

On 3 January 2015 at 07:44, Josh Muckley via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com
> wrote:

> How much chain and rode do you have?  I haul my 37+ by hand.  It isn't
> easy but I do it regularly.  Have you ever tried?  How much anchoring do
> you intend to do?  I bought a manual windlass but haven't installed it.  It
> works similar to a vertical electric windlass just without the motor
> sticking out the bottom and you attach a winch handle in the top.
> Clockwise ratchets the anchor in, counterclockwise loosens the clutch and
> plays out the anchor.  Fabricating a mount is really my only hold up, that
> and the fact that I can haul it by hand.
> Troubleshooting yours should be easy.  The motor works with 12v forward
> and reverse polarity to change direction.  A solinoid is used in line to
> carry the high current instead of the push button.  An easy go, no-go test
> would be to disconnect the motor connections and jumper a portable 12v
> battery momentarily to the motor terminals.  If it moves then the windlass
> is probably good and not the problem.  If it doesn't move then I would
> remove the motor and perform motor troubleshooting such as brushes, winding
> resistance, and hand rotation.  Rewinds are cost effective.  Brushes are
> cheap.  If it is bound mechanical then you may have to replace the motor.
> With the motor off try to drive the windlass to ensure it is not bound.
> Disassemble and repair as necessary.
> Troubleshoot the electrical.  Heavy gauge wire is required and corrosion
> at any or all of the terminals could easily be causing you problems.  A bad
> switch or a bad solinoid are also well within the relm of possibilities.
> Your concerns about parts and repairs is warranted but you will experience
> the same challenges from a new replacement which is why I have chosen a
> manual windlass and even hesitate to install it.
> Josh Muckley
> S/V Sea Hawk
> 1989 C&C 37+
> Solomons, MD
> On Jan 3, 2015 10:07 AM, "Richard N. Bush via CnC-List" <
> cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
>> Hi all; I hope everyone had a great New Years! I am looking for feedback
>> on an anchor windlass; my boat, (1985 C&C 37, CB, new to me last year) came
>> with an older model Powerwinch 502 unit, ( not to be confused with the
>> current Powerwinch 500 which is for pontoon boats); I have little
>> experience with windlasses, all of my prior boats were easy enough to haul
>> the anchor by hand.
>> This unit is mounted on a heavy stainless bracket and appears to be
>> appropriate size for the boat; however, it does not work and so far I
>> haven't been able to determine whether it is an electrical issue or a
>> mechanical issue; my question is; given the age of this unit, should I
>> bother at all?  The advertised comparable Powerwinch units are in the
>> $600-700 range and I am thinking that in the future, parts availability and
>> reliability will be more important than saving a few buck now...so please
>> let me know your thoughts, and if you think replacement is warranted, what
>> would you recommend?   If this unit is worth keeping, what would you
>> recommend troubleshooting-wise?
>> Many thanks......
>>  Richard
>> 1985 C&C 37 CB; Ohio River; Mile 596
>>  Richard N. Bush
>> 2950 Breckenridge Lane, Suite Nine
>> Louisville, Kentucky 40220-1462
>> 502-584-7255
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