The changes made to the C&C27 with the mark III version, including reducing the 
keel by 400 pounds, resulted in a similar sailing boat I think. 
I usually raced double handed, and could never get it to point when the wind 
picked up. Worked great in light air. Finally in the last race of the season, 
and in the last year that I did much racing, I had 4 crew for rail meat on a 
windy day. What a difference that made! I can only conclude that the design was 
optimised for fully crewed boats. 

Steve Thomas
Port Stanley, ON

P.S. Hauled the boat on Monday. 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Bruno Lachance via CnC-List 
  To: Gary Nylander ; 
  Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2014 10:19 AM
  Subject: Re: Stus-List Chunk of shaped lead in the bilge?

  The 29 mkI is notoriously tender, at least for the "back in the days" 
standards. There is one racing here that added 200 pounds with a home made bulb 
kit (a shoe) to the keel. And i can tell you that this boat is very fast at all 
points of sail and winning on a regular basis, ok more than me... even with th 
PHRF penalty. 
  Well worth it in my opinion for this particular design. He can keep more sail 
in a blow and this boat with its wide and flat shape kind of pops out of the 
water. Very impressive and must be one of the hull design that could be easier 
to surf than other. A boat ahead of its time in my opinion, but reduce sail 
early or add weight! 
  Bécassine, 87 33MKII
  New-richmond, Qc

  Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2014 09:42:40 -0500
  Subject: Re: Stus-List Chunk of shaped lead in the bilge?

  I go with the addition of weight to make a one-design target. Not sure why on 
a 29, but.... On a non C&C boat I raced on (one of the earlier ones of that 
make built) there was 180 pounds of lead in the aft portion - to make the 
minimum - because the later boats were built differently and weighed more.

  And the story of having weight added and losing seconds and then taking it 
out and losing more - a friend had an Andrews 26 with an inboard. It died, they 
removed it and replaced it with an outboard - thus losing the prop, strut, 
heavy motor, shaft, etc. And got a 3 second help in the PHRF department! Go 

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Dennis C. via CnC-List 
    To: tim ; CnClist 
    Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2014 7:59 PM
    Subject: Re: Stus-List Chunk of shaped lead in the bilge?

    PHRF cheat weight.  

    Buddy of mine found about 150# of lead hidden under the floor of his boat 
after he bought it.

    Dennis C.

    Touche' 35-1 #83

    Mandeville, LA

    On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 6:46 PM, tim via CnC-List <> 


         I am cleaning out my bilge, and tightening the keel bolts.  In doing 
the cleanout, I found a chuck of shaped lead (probably 20#) towards the front 
of the bilge area.  It is not attached to anything.  It is angled to fit in the 
bilge.  Just curious if anyone may know the purpose of the chunk?

      Thanks for your thoughts.

      Tim W.

      1976 29’ Mk1

      s/v Sly Fox

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