At anchor, no problem. I have a solar garden light tie wrapped at both bow and stern, and have at times mounted one port and starboard amidships on the stanchions. They also help to find the boat at night...

As Bill mentioned, Tri-Color and running lights are a no-no. When under power your steaming light must be higher than your running lights. (Red-White-Red underway means you're towing. When at anchor it means you're dredging. On land it means 'Hurricane')

Just to make it more confusing:

I just had to pull out my 'Quick Reference Nav Rules' cheat sheet -- a plastic card that shows all this stuff. And darned if it doesn't show a boat under sail with both running lights and lights at the masthead with the note 'may be added.' Huh. Note that there wasn't a white light at the masthead, just red and green. So I pulled out my copy of Chapmans, which is pretty much the definitive source. It definitely makes no mention of both deck lights and masthead lights when under sail. Also, if you did have your tri-color and running lights on, you would be showing two white lights astern, which isn't a listed configuration.

And after reading Chapman again, it's amazing that we *all* break the rules all the time. How many of us fly a black ball in the fore-triangle when at anchor during the day? I actually have one, but have never used it.

And when single handed off shore motoring at night, when I'm sleeping, I'll turn on the foredeck light. It's the same fitting as the steaming light, so what the heck. I'm asleep, so it's not like it's going to wreck my night vision.


Same goes for the anchor light.  No one looks up.  I was pulling into St
Michaels, MD once and noticed some "lights in the trees?"  When suddenly I
realized they were anchor lights.

Is there a problem using both the deck lights and tri-color for added

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