Buyers brokers have become common both in real estate and floating estate
here in the states. Like any broker, they can be very valuable and helpful
or bordering on fraudulent and everywhere in between. Good luck.


-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Danny
Haughey via CnC-List
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List survey now brokers


I thought they would all represent a buyer, just like real estate brokers.
They may not advertise as a *buyers* broker but, I'm willing to bet most
brokers would be happy to help find you a boat for a cut of the commission.

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Marek Dziedzic via CnC-List <>
To: "Hoyt, Mike" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List survey now brokers
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 10:34:28 -0400

I guess in some markets this is doable. Personally, I could not find one,
where I needed him (her). But the surveyors were available. In fact,  I
interviewed three of them before selecting one.

s/v Legato

-----Original Message-----
From: Hoyt, Mike via CnC-List
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 10:26 AM
To: Danny Haughey ;
Subject: Re: Stus-List survey now brokers

I am not sure if everybody realizes but a common practice is to find your
own buyers broker to represent your interest.  I did that when we purchased
Persistence because I knew and trusted him and he is right next door.  My
broker contacted the listing broker and between them took care of many
details that it would be difficult for me to do since the boat was nearly
1000km from here by road.  Financially the listing broker and buyers broker
split the commission down the middle.

I really liked this arrangement because it really helped my own interests
and in a situation such as Jon mentioned would probably have helped him as

This arrangement was great for me

1987 Frers 33

-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Danny
Haughey via CnC-List
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List survey

Dwight said;
<the brokers don't share that feeling because he often finds too many

There is a good point!  Ask the broker which surveyors to stay away from and
use that as your short list!!  LOL


---------- Original Message ----------
From: dwight via CnC-List <>
To: "'Hoyt, Mike'" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List survey
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 09:57:37 -0300

Not sure I agree with you there Mike, I think it depends on the
surveyor...around here if TBoats (Iain Tulloch) is your surveyor I think he
does the same detailed inspection every time...I have had him survey Alianna
twice, 5 years apart for insurance purposes and each time I was there and
saw him go over the boat with a fine tooth comb...he checks everything,
including rig, deck, hull and rudder moisture content, hull valves,
electrical wiring, fuel lines, etc. and he includes lots of photos in the insuance company, Royal Sun Alliance, likes his work but I
believe the brokers don't share that feeling because he often finds too many
problems, some of which might discourage a buyer

Dwight Veinot
C&C 35MKII, Alianna
Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS

-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Hoyt,
Mike via CnC-List
Sent: October 28, 2014 9:25 AM
To: Jon Tasker;
Subject: Stus-List survey


Was the survey done for you?  Did you pay for it?

There are two types of surveys.  There is a pre-purchase survey commissioned
and paid for by the potential buyer and there is an insurance survey
commissioned and paid for by the existing owner for insurance purposes.  The
buyers survey is usually more detailed and is there to point out the
potential issues as well as strengths of the boat.  An insurance survey does
not always record everything to the same level of detail and is designed to
put a valuation on the boat for insurance purposes.  I have had both done.
I like my insurance company to have a very high opinion of my boat.  However
when buying I like to know potential expenses I will incur in order to
determine a fair price

So back to the original question.  Who paid for the survey?


-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Jon
Tasker via CnC-List
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2014 10:55 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List CnC-List Digest, Vol 105, Issue 76

I also bought my boat in Racine and got a multi-page report from the
recommended surveyor. The survey was dishonest from start to finish, had the
seller's interest in mind and future survey business. Had it been honest, I
could have gotten another $10,000 off the sell price. The moral of the story
is do your own survey.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 27, 2014, at 12:00 PM, wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
>   1.  Overpriced? (Robert Abbott)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 12:40:26 -0300
> From: Robert Abbott <>
> To: Brent Driedger <>,
>    <>
> Subject: Stus-List Overpriced?
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> There is a buyer for everything, at the right price.
> When we were looking for a boat in 2005-06, there were three (3) C&C 
> 32's for sale here in Halifax, N.S.......looked at them all.  Looked 
> at a C&C 30 MKI and Mirage 32 here as well.
> Ended up buying our boat from Racine Riverside Marina, Racine, 
> owner, professionally maintained, adequately 
> equipped, fresh water boat.  The purchase price, exchange rate and 
> transportation cost to truck it here cost us approx. $8,000 less than 
> what we would have paid for any of the local boats.  We also got a new

> 10' Zodiac thrown in.  And I have sold 3 sails that came with the boat

> that I will never use.
> I never traveled to Racine to view the boat.....paid a surveyor about
> $350 USD for a 23 page report....that was the selling point, the
>  I would do that no matter where I was buying a boat.
> I understand many buyers would never do what we did, buy a boat unseen

> so far away.  Would I do it again, absolutely.
> I wish this 32 seller well.....if he gets close to his asking price, 
> it bodes well for all us C&C owners.
> Rob Abbott
> C&C 32 - 84
> Halifax, N.S.
>> On 2014/10/26 10:54 PM, Brent Driedger wrote:
>> I'll chime in on this as Bowline Yachts was the broker for my boat
backwhen I bought it and I know the owner well. At first glance the prices
they ask seem high and become the frequent talk at the club but with respect
to the company's owner I'll provide a little insight to explain thoughnot
necessarily justify the prices.
>> In central Canada here there is not much option for buying used 
>> sailboats. The market is not saturated by any means and the stock of 
>> quality used boats available is thin. This usually means pay what the

>> owner wants oroutsource to the south and pay for exchange, shipping, 
>> border brokerage, flights to and from the location, permits and lots 
>> of survey charges. When you total it all up the prices end up being 
>> fairly close to what Bowline typically charges. Then add to that 
>> there is the comfort level of knowing the history of the local boats,

>> their owners and background. Furtherto that, our season is short so 
>> all of these boats are out of water for 7 months of the year. The 
>> boats are in fresh water the remaining 5 and onLake of the Woods 
>> there's little swell to speak of even in storms. The biggest hazard 
>> is grounding and unfortunately most sailboats there have touched 
>> bottom.  The remainder will some day. The rigs although 30 plus years

>> old show no corrosion or acid rain pitting. Gener
> ally outside of wet decks or blisters, a 35 year old boat is in 20
year old condition if it was decently maintained.
>> I agree that $65000 for an 84 32 is very high but the price will
appealto those who want a quick painless purchase with background confidence
of a quality fresh water boat. It may include a slip too which at my harbour
is impossible to get now. I would expect a fair bit of negotiation will
bring it closer to reality as well.
>> Cheers
>> Brent Driedger
>> C&C 27v
>> Lake Winnipeg
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Oct 25, 2014, at 12:11 PM, Robert Abbott via CnC-List
<> wrote:
>>> While I think this appears to be a nicely equipped and well
maintainedboat, I think the owner is overly optimistic with his asking
price.  We bought our boat in 2006 for half that price and it was a well
maintained,fresh water, one owner boat.
>>> Sure would like to hear any and all comments on this!
>>> Rob Abbott
>>> C&C 32 - 84
>>> Halifax, N.S.
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