
Swaged fittings don't spread the wires to distribute the load either.  It
sounds like maybe you didn't tighten the cones enough.  I did some
destructive testing and had to physically beat the fitting apart to get the
wedges separated from the cone.

On Oct 24, 2014 6:22 AM, "Bill Bina via CnC-List" <>

> I can tell you why. The quick-attach can SLIP far too easily. Happened on
> my Babystay when I cranked the backstay. When I let off the backstay, the
> previously firmly tightened babystay was flopping around. The wire goes
> straight into the fitting with no bends or "spread out" of the strands like
> the sta-lok. What makes them so easy to use, also makes them prone to
> letting the cable move, or even pull out.
> Bill Bina
> On 10/23/2014 11:02 PM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List wrote:
>> I looked it up, the quick attach fittings are no longer advised for
>> standing rigging though I can't understand why.  And I was wrong they won't
>> work with rod but WILL work with all other types of wire.
>> Josh
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