I hope some of the racers among the list might want to chime in on the 

Before the start this weekend, 2 boats 'barged' down the line, one immediately 
to windward and starboard of me (WP) who I protested immediately after the 
incident, hailed that I(WP) protested him (NC) and flew the red flag. He (NC) 
did not protest the boat to weather of him until all of us were near the 
weather mark. Either for that or another technical reason, his (NC) protest was 
thrown out (details unknown since the protest was not heard at a 
hearing/meeting as yet) but I was informed of it by his email.
 My question for the list is the following: 

AFAIK, I (WP) could not protest any boat except the one nearest to me (NC), 
which I did. 

He (NC) protested the boat to his starboard/windward (Q) which he could not 
take up because that boat (Q) did not yield his position, as he should have. 
Probably would have forced him over the starting line but immaterial AFAIK. 
There were no obstructions involved.

Am I out of luck since his (the middle boat) protest (NC) was thrown out?

I know from a similar past experience when the middle boat did not protest the 
boat to his starboard/windward side before the start, that he (the middle boat) 
was exonerated since he was prevented from going up by another boat and did not 
bother to protest the boat to windward of him. Thus I was 'hosed' since he was 
exonerated and the real culprit (the boat to his starboard/windward side) got 
off with no penalty.

The current situation is identical except the middle boat (NC) did protest the 
most windward boat (Q), but his protest was thrown out on a technicality 
(likely not timely enough).

I have an inkling that a BOHICA moment is approaching, as in Bend Over Here It 
Comes Again!!

Charlie Nelson
Water Phantom
C&C 36 XL/kcb


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