
Nobody and none can disrespect the SEA, and I mean NOBODY!!!

The Sea always wins.



92 Lebaron 3.0 convertible

95 LeBaron 3.0 turbo convertible

07 Yamaha Straotoliner S

SCRC 011059

SRO 26-6483


TURBO!!!!!cause bottles are for babies and superchargers blow!!!

Which would you rather have, go fast goodies or shiny shoes?

Your feet may look good but if your engine blows you ain't going nowhere



From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Chuck S via 
Sent: October 6, 2014 11:15 PM
To: OldSteveH; CNC boat owners, cnc-list; OldSteveH; CNC boat owners, cnc-list
Subject: Re: Stus-List Bermuda Bound Bubble Runner


Yeah,  I would estimate many "lives saved" by the coast guard and life saving 
services may be less than worthy of their valiant efforts.  Darwin stated that 
the strong survive, and the herd gets stronger that way.  The prudent mariner 
takes precautions, prepares his vessel, learns skills necessary to navigate and 
operate his ship, but in today's world, every life has equal value and these 
weirdos get saved by amazing CG members risking their own lives.  I don't like 
to judge but saving these idiots weakens the herd.   My 2 cents.



1990 C&C 34R
Broad Creek, Magothy River, Md



From: "CNC boat owners, cnc-list" < 
<> >
To: "CNC boat owners, cnc-list" < 
<> >
Sent: Monday, October 6, 2014 10:20:56 PM
Subject: Stus-List Bermuda Bound Bubble Runner


Does anyone have an explanation how this could have been remotely possible?


In case anyone hasn't heard - the US Coast Guard rescued this dude 130 nm
east of St Augustine while attempting to 'run' 1600 nm to Bermuda in an
inflatable hamster cage.
Forget the supply of food and water and navigational challenges, forget even
the waves - how could one human think for a second he could manage this
thing against any kind of wind conditions? I watched a video on his website
(Run for Reza), he did not offer any technical explanation how it might be
possible to do this.




Steve Hood
S/V Diamond Girl
C&C 34
Lions Head ON




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